Karachi Editors Club – A success story

Mukhtar Ahmed Butt

Karachi being metropolitan city and hub of Pakistan economy enjoys unique position in the country. Each day starts with hustle bustle and other activities covering all fields one could imagine. Large number of newspapers is published on daily basis and innumerable magazines are on display. We have large media houses to cover events on print and electronic media. City houses large number of journalist’s reporters to cover daily events. There are many journalists group to represent press and media However it was felt that a high profile club of senior journalists and editors be formed to interact with various functionaries at all levels to discuss matters of mutual interest at regular intervals.
The idea to get together and make a forum is based on the framework of collectivism. All editors when they get together in the editors club they all become part of the value system that this forum wants to introduce. The value system is based on mutual respect and the respect of the profession of journalism that we all represent. The mere fact that we address the important issues rose by the nation and arranges seminars and talks on them set a platform to highlight them. These are attended by senior officials, guests that have their say through their influence in the society. A literary organization, editors club Karachi has the potential to grow and come up as the leading literary forum to spread the word of education and intellect
A meeting was arranged in local hotel by senior most members from press and media on 24 April 2017 and decided to meet again on 3 May 2017.After detailed deliberations unanimously it was decided to establish Karachi Editors Club with its President Mubasher Mir a Senior Journalist and Editor of leading Urdu newspaper of the country. Immediately complete set up was announced with Mr Mukhtar Aqil Senior Journalist and Editor of two leading newspapers as it Senior Vice President, and Mr Manzar Naqvi Executive Editor leading English newspaper with other senior executive members. After nomination of KEC President held a meeting on 3 May 2017 and took decisions that included preparation of membership form, criteria of making members, annual fee of members, opening of bank accounts and Registration with SECP. It was also decided to hold one meeting in each month by inviting people from different walk of life. A follow up meeting was held in Beach Luxury in connection with holding monthly meetings. The management was kind to give us concession in all our future functions
Since 2017 after the formation of KEC. Meetings have been held in which key people were invited as Chief guests. The list includes President APNS, former Governor Sind Muhammad Zubair, Zubair Tufail former President FPCCI, Dr Sajid, and present Governor Mr. Imran Ismail. There is a long list of VIP’s who graced KEC meeting. Our all activities are covered by print and electronic media.
The purpose of monthly meeting is to discuss current political issues, our international issues, law and order situation.KEC also serves as think tank for the government as we discuss all issues related to the common man. Since ours is non political club we discourage politics in our meetings that distinguishes us from other bodies. It is a matter of great pride for KEC that we have successfully entered in third year of our journey and has earned a name with good reputation. It is hoped that we shall continue our mission with greater sense of responsibility and help our rulers in meeting their obligations by giving our positive out put.

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