All time controversial elections of Arts Council Karachi!

All time controversial elections of Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi are expected to be held on December 23 2018, this time Elections are being held after two years due to disputed change in bye-laws of the Arts Council two years back. Ahmed Shah who remained blue-eyed of the ruling party of Sindh occupied the Arts Council from last 10 years, during this period genuine persons belonging to arts and culture are not able to get membership of the Arts Council while during the same period of Ahmed Shah, memberships of Arts Council has been increased in thousands most of whom are illiterate, his family and friends, relatives and even employees of Arts Council. Ahmed Shah and company had all set this to win elections for their favorites through fake membership. It is surprising to know that according to media reports since 2015 a case regarding mala fide practices in arts council has been filed in NAB Sindh.
When asked Mubasher Mir, President Karachi Editors Club (KEC) and a member of Arts Council said that he is once again expecting forthcoming controversial elections as the Arts Council is being run in a dictatorial manner and lacks of democratic norms. He said memberships that have given tenures to Ahmed Shah group repeatedly is questionable and needs scrutiny. He requested to Commissioner Karachi that membership’s scrutiny must be arranged by formation of a impendent committee before forthcoming election and moral ethics and values should be formed and followed accordingly by all concerned.

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